8 Ways - You can help us GROW

Hey there, Black Tie fans! Today, I want to talk about something near and dear to my heart – the power of community and how each one of you can make a real impact for our company or any small business. We all know that a satisfied customer is the best business strategy, but what if I told you there's more you can do to help us skyrocket our company?

  1. Word of Mouth (WOM) Marketing:

    • The OG of marketing strategies – talk about your positive experiences! Whether it's at the water cooler, family gatherings, or on social media, share your love for the brand. Your authentic recommendations carry more weight than any ad campaign.

  2. Online Reviews and Testimonials:

    • Head over to Google, Facebook, Yelp, or any other review site where your favorite small business has a presence. Craft a thoughtful and detailed review about your positive experience. These reviews not only boost to our business's reputation but also help other potential customers make informed decisions.

  3. Social Media Shoutouts:

    • Snap a pic, share a story, or create a video showcasing the products or services we helped you with. Tag our business on social media platforms and use relevant hashtags. Your posts act as virtual endorsements and can significantly increase our online visibility.

  4. Engage with Content:

    • We often put a lot of effort into creating engaging content. Take a moment to like, comment, and share our posts. Engaging with content not only shows your appreciation but also increases the reach of their message.

  5. Refer Friends and Family:

    • Personal recommendations are GOLD. If someone in your network is in need of a product or service that we offer, refer them. Your endorsement might just be the push they need to become loyal customers too.

  6. Collaborate on Cross-Promotions:

    • Are you a content creator, blogger, or influencer? Reach out to your favorite small businesses for collaboration opportunities. Cross-promotions can be mutually beneficial, exposing both parties to new audiences. We love working with other local small businesses.

  7. Provide Constructive Feedback:

    • We are not perfect, and constructive feedback is crucial for growth. If you have suggestions or observations, share them with us directly or via our hello@blacktiebuilders.com emial. Your insights could lead to positive changes that benefit both us and our customers.

  8. Stay Loyal Through Challenges:

    • Every business faces ups and downs. During challenging times, stay loyal. Continue your support, whether it's through positive messages, or simply being understanding. Your loyalty can be the anchor that helps us weather storms.

Thank you for being an awesome and valued part of our company! - Joel


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